Service Line Direct Assistance Opportunity

Ohio EPA Service Line Direct Assistance Opportunity Information

Types of assistance provided may include training and outreach related to service line requirements, developing a service line inventory, identification of service line material and developing a lead service line replacement plan. 


Service Line Inventory Assistance Request Form (Available until June 28, 2024)

The service line inventory development and lead service line replacement planning assistance opportunity is intended to provide support to public water systems free of charge to complete their service line inventory. All non-transient non-community (NTNC) and community water systems are required to submit an initial inventory by October 16, 2024.  This program allows public water systems to request eligible assistance necessary to complete their service line inventory. Ohio EPA will make an effort to match water systems with an approved contractor that can provide the requested assistance.


Who is Eligible?

All Ohio community and non-transient non-community water systems are eligible.


Eligible Project Costs

The program allows Ohio EPA to match approved contractors with public water systems who have requested assistance in completing their required service line inventories depending upon the needs of each system.


Program Application and Guidelines

Request forms for this program will be accepted until 3pm on Friday, June 28, 2024. Systems will be notified once Ohio EPA has evaluated all requests.

The Service Line Inventory Assistance Request Form can be found here:



Applicants may contact the DDAGW Grants Team at any time for more information. Please email any questions to [email protected].

For more information on service line inventory requirements and rule updates, please join us on May 22, 2024:

Webinar: Service Line Inventory and Rule Updates | Ohio Environmental Protection Agency